Wednesday, December 31, 2008

living with an agnostic or atheist

The pain of living with family who are vehemently anti-Islam is probably the most trying and sorrowful place to be.  Prophet, peace be upon him,  said that we need respect our parents even if they hate Allah, swt, and our beautiful prophet and way of life.  How can any Muslim sit and listen to another blaspheme in the most horrendous ways without wanting to splash the persons face with cold water?

It is the most difficult task to face Ibless in the flesh of a parent who screams and paces the floor talking about how evil you are because you believe in Allah and his messenger!  Truly the person becomes as ugly as the devil and nearly as frightening.  That sort of anger is the type anger to abhor in others.  Do you laugh? do you scream? Do you yell back?  Do you turn up the Quran recitation louder?  

When you start to see the hell someone is facing because of their ugliness, especially a parent or a sibling, you want nothing more for them to be forgiven.  Though it may happen because of the awful way they talk about Prophet, saaws and Allah, swt, that they might as well go to hell.  
Truly a parent may bring you into this world but if they don't teach you about his world or give you the opportunity to learn about this world in the spiritual sense can no longer be considered a valuable parent.  Especially if the parent is trying to stop you from practicing Islam and tries to throw your iman in your face, how can anyone forgive such hatred and malice?

It will never be easy to be a Muslim even if you live amongst believers, but there is a special trial for one who has to live with non-believers, especially non-believers who hate Islam.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a difficult place to be in. However, perserverance in the face of familiar anger, rage and disdain is exactly what our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saaws) went through in the first 3 years of the message. He was spit on, trash was thrown on him.. he was abused and treated wrong. Mashallah but with the understanding, perserverance and generosity that only a nabil Allah could have. InshaAllah you, and any others in this place will be blessed with even the smallest percentage of his understanding and grace. I suggest reading a good biography of Rasulullah at night and in the am to strengthen your iman. Also saying "Ya SAbr or Ya Sallam_Ya Wadud"

Peace, fee amaan Allah,