Monday, December 15, 2008

Bush shoes- Oppression of the HEART (IHSAN)

Okay, so as an American who has been very upset about the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, I felt a little laugh come on when I heard that Bush had a shoes thrown at him while giving a news conference with Iraqi reporters in Baghdad.

I do have to say that when I started to think about that action by the angry and distressed journalist, I came up with the conclusion again that we are more oppressed in our hearts than in our lives.

If you are struggling in your life because of an outside source you should go inward to your heart and find if you are oppressing your own heart with hatred, anger, miserliness, fear, arrogance, etc. It is far more damaging to your life if your heart is diseased with those emotions than if your are physically oppressed. Freedom from fear and other diseases allows one to only fear Allah, swt. To my fellow Muslims, heal your heart and you will never be able to be oppressed by any outside source.

ONLY FEAR Allah, swt. DO NOT FEAR death, DO NOT FEAR imprisonment, DO NOT FEAR life.

May Allah bless us all and may we work to purify our own hearts so that it will be a clean house for Allah, swt, the holiest of the holy, to live.

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