Monday, December 29, 2008

Evil Israel

Seems the Israelis forgot that for the past 2 months they have cut off Gaza completely from the world.  Gaza has not been allowed food from outside, electricity, water or medicine.  No wonder why the government would send rocket attacks outside of the barbed walls of Gaza!  More than ever we need to press our governments to stand up to Israel and tell them that we put the pieces together and will not believe the lies they are telling us about Hamas, the legal government of Palestine, and Palestinians.  Any government would break a cease fire if their people were directly dying from forced illegal sanctions against their citizens.  Gathering weapons was a strategic and intelligent move of the Palestinian government, as all governments are allowed to protect their citizens.  Now more than ever we must support those who are being oppressed violently in whatever manner it is possible.

But...What is it that Allah, swt, wants us to know about this life and world?  What is it that He is telling us Muslims about ourselves and the way we live our lives with thousands of Muslims dying each day?  Is He showing us that the Day of Judgement is nearing by making those Muslims who only claim Islam as show and not as practice as who they truly are?

Islam is a practice of inner struggle and only outer struggle if you are being attacked.  So now is the natural time for active fighting against those who are forcing us to not follow our Islamic rituals and practices.

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