Saturday, December 6, 2008

Enlightenment and Islam

Enlightenment and Islam

People in Modern society equate enlightenment with Buddhism and other Asian philosophies, but often overlook Islam’s road to spiritual enlightenment.

Islam being a way of life that is all encompassing and that is dictated by the sublime and perfect revelation sent to the seal of prophets, Mohammad, sws, is here for us to use to attain perfect spirituality and existence in this dunya (world).

Islam, being the body of the path, is complimentary in every way. Islam gives humanity a guideline of unquestionable and rational rules that propels one in to Iman (faith) and into Ihsan (heart). Without doubt if one builds their path to enlightenment with the well paved road of Islam they will secure in meeting with Ar-Rahman.

The purpose to living is to love Allah, swt, and be in his service, whether through active revolt to the oppressive world around us or to revolt of our egos (an-nafs). Allah, swt said, “Ask those who know if you know not" (Qur'an 16:43) and "And follow the path of him who turns unto Me" (Qur'an 31:15), in regards to seeking assistance in learning how to live in Islam. It goes without saying that in dealing with your nafs (ego) one must turn to someone who can guide them to leave their egos and live with the rouhhe (spirit). Allah, the wise said, "Verily the self ever commands to do evil" (Qur'an 12:53). So do follow someone through Islam, Ihsan, and Iman, if you seek enlightenment and seek Allah, swt.

After learning what the path looks like in this dunya through Islam, it becomes easier to implement the practice of meditation and zikr into one’s life. Ihsan (heart) is where the sincerity of love and worship truly stems from. With practice of ego (an-nafs) reduction through the practice of the heart, the love of Allah, swt, starts to live through you and the world around you. At this point one will be able to taste the sweetness of water, hear the sounds of the creator vibrating through your physical heart, heal oneself and others through dua (supplications) to Allah, and other incredible aspect of self (rouhhe) actualization. This level of devotion, faith, and Islam can happen over night, in an instant or could take years it all depends on ones sincerity. This is the place where the lovers exist. The physical world no longer matters in this stage of spiritual development. One even when physically not making salat and zikr, is living salat and zikr.

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