Sunday, December 7, 2008


Bismellah ar-rahman ar-raheem

"Truly, Allah does not look at your outward forms and wealth, but rather at your hearts and your works" (Sahih Muslim, 4.1389: hadith 2564).

There are numerous examples of how our prophet, sws, inspired his ummah to go deeper into their hearts to find their intention and not just seek acceptance by others in the Ummah through egotistical actions.

What actions are we taking in our lives to increase our hasanahs (good deeds) and why are we doing them? Prophet, sws, elaborated about this in this story of Yamal Qayama (day of Judgement):

The first person judged on Resurrection Day will be a man martyred in battle.

He will be brought forth, Allah will reacquaint him with His blessings upon him and the man will acknowledge them, whereupon Allah will say, "What have you done with them?" to which the man will respond, "I fought to the death for You."

Allah will reply, "You lie. You fought in order to be called a hero, and it has already been said." Then he will be sentenced and dragged away on his face and flung into the fire.

Then a man will be brought forward who learned Sacred Knowledge, taught it to others, and who recited the Qur'an. Allah will remind him of His gifts to him and the man will acknowledge them, and then Allah will say, "What have you done with them?" The man will answer, "I acquired Sacred Knowledge, taught it, and recited the Qur'an, for Your sake."

Allah will say, "You lie. You learned so as to be called a scholar, and read the Qur'an so as to be called a reciter, and it has already been said." Then the man will be sentenced and dragged away on his face to be flung into the fire.

Then a man will be brought forward whom Allah generously provided for, giving him various kinds of wealth, and Allah will recall to him the benefits given, and the man will acknowledge them, to which Allah will say, "And what have you done with them?" The man will answer, "I have not left a single kind of expenditure You love to see made, except that I have spent on it for Your sake."

Allah will say, "You lie. You did it so as to be called generous, and it has already been said." Then he will be sentenced and dragged away on his face to be flung into the fire (Sahih Muslim, 3.1514: hadith 1905).

What are you doing RIGHT NOW and where are your intentions truly coming from? Introspection is the key to understanding yourself and pleasing Allah subhana wa ta'ala. I also understand this to mean that if we do not fight a jihad against our NAFS (ego) we will be doomed. If your ultimate goal is just to live how jurists, scholars, and tradition tells you to live, you may not be in active jihad against your NAFS and as the hadith goes, be doomed to the fire.

May ALLAH swt bless you and may you work on your heart.


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