Wednesday, December 31, 2008

living with an agnostic or atheist

The pain of living with family who are vehemently anti-Islam is probably the most trying and sorrowful place to be.  Prophet, peace be upon him,  said that we need respect our parents even if they hate Allah, swt, and our beautiful prophet and way of life.  How can any Muslim sit and listen to another blaspheme in the most horrendous ways without wanting to splash the persons face with cold water?

It is the most difficult task to face Ibless in the flesh of a parent who screams and paces the floor talking about how evil you are because you believe in Allah and his messenger!  Truly the person becomes as ugly as the devil and nearly as frightening.  That sort of anger is the type anger to abhor in others.  Do you laugh? do you scream? Do you yell back?  Do you turn up the Quran recitation louder?  

When you start to see the hell someone is facing because of their ugliness, especially a parent or a sibling, you want nothing more for them to be forgiven.  Though it may happen because of the awful way they talk about Prophet, saaws and Allah, swt, that they might as well go to hell.  
Truly a parent may bring you into this world but if they don't teach you about his world or give you the opportunity to learn about this world in the spiritual sense can no longer be considered a valuable parent.  Especially if the parent is trying to stop you from practicing Islam and tries to throw your iman in your face, how can anyone forgive such hatred and malice?

It will never be easy to be a Muslim even if you live amongst believers, but there is a special trial for one who has to live with non-believers, especially non-believers who hate Islam.

Nationalism is Dangerous

Since the French Revolution, Nationalism has grown into the most divisive tool of our time to create hatred, more so than religion, race, gender, or age.  In the Muslim world it has been expressively dangerous.  With the reckless drawing of borders by the French and British after WWI and then using their imperial prowess to build dividing cultural factors to create hatred between Muslims.  No longer did the European world want a powerful Islamic empire so they had to create hatred and mistrust amongst the Muslims by creating political movements, secular movements, feminist movements, etc.  

Now more than ever Muslims need a Calipha that will represent all Muslims, not just Shia or Sunni or Salafi or astaghfirlelah Qadiri, but all MUSLIMS.  We are MUSLIMS and not Americans, Egyptians, Yemenis, Bahraini, Indonesian, Pakestani, we are Muslims.  May Allah forgive all the self-righteous for their arrogance.
As our most beautiful Maulana, saaws, said, "He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride and arrogance shall not enter Paradise."  Calling yourself anything, but humbly a Muslim can lead one to a feeling of boastfulness and pride.  
It is the responsibility of ALL Muslims to help to protect all other Muslims.

Rasul, saaws stated: "He who amongst you sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do that, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has not strength enought to do even that, then he should at least abhor it from his heart; and that is the least of faith." Muslim

Our only nation is the nation of Allah swt.  Live justly with the shariah in your own actions and heart and treat all other Muslims with the dignity our Rasul, saaws has shown us.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Dhikr Allah or zikr Allah is an essential peace to practicing Islam.  

Allah, swt, said, "Therefore, Remember me and I will remember you.  Give thanks to me and reject me not."-al-baqarah 2.152

"O ye who believe.  Remember Allah with much remembrance; and glorify him morning and evening."-surah al-ahzab 41.42

"Then woe unto those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah.  Such are in plain error." -surah Zumar 39.22

There are numerous more ayats that talk about making dhikr.
Dhikr is not just saying the beautiful names of our Beloved, but it's living in wonderment of our Beloved and all that He gives to us.  It's not just about taking your tasbeeh out and making dhikr or sitting with a group of Muslims making dhikr outloud.  In fact you can view the fallen leaves of a maple tree and make dhikr Allah.  You can step onto a sandy beach with bare feet and make dhikr Allah.  It's possible to sit with just your heart and hear Allah's love in the beats of your heart.  Why not be swimming under the water and with every stroke you remember Allah and not your own ego.

Dhikr is not about mindlessly saying the most holy names of Allah, it's about forgetting about your EGO for a while and being apart of the infinite perfection of the Creator.  Whether you are given permission by a maulana to say certain names or you remember Allah from your own heart, just never forget Allah, the infinite protector.    

Remember Allah not for anything but for the sake of Allah and His mercy.  Do not do it because you feel obliged or because you are bored, remember Allah because you need Him to remember you.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Evil Israel

Seems the Israelis forgot that for the past 2 months they have cut off Gaza completely from the world.  Gaza has not been allowed food from outside, electricity, water or medicine.  No wonder why the government would send rocket attacks outside of the barbed walls of Gaza!  More than ever we need to press our governments to stand up to Israel and tell them that we put the pieces together and will not believe the lies they are telling us about Hamas, the legal government of Palestine, and Palestinians.  Any government would break a cease fire if their people were directly dying from forced illegal sanctions against their citizens.  Gathering weapons was a strategic and intelligent move of the Palestinian government, as all governments are allowed to protect their citizens.  Now more than ever we must support those who are being oppressed violently in whatever manner it is possible.

But...What is it that Allah, swt, wants us to know about this life and world?  What is it that He is telling us Muslims about ourselves and the way we live our lives with thousands of Muslims dying each day?  Is He showing us that the Day of Judgement is nearing by making those Muslims who only claim Islam as show and not as practice as who they truly are?

Islam is a practice of inner struggle and only outer struggle if you are being attacked.  So now is the natural time for active fighting against those who are forcing us to not follow our Islamic rituals and practices.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

God Damn Who?

Recent news of Israel once again planning to invade Gaza is entirely unsettling and raises questions whether or not anyone remembers how this all began.

As most know Israel was an invented state that sprung out of specific Zionist arguments as spelled out by Leo Pinsker in Auto- Emancipation in 1882.  Pinsker, a citizen of Russia, knew of the horror Jews were facing in the Russia pogroms and needs for the Jewish people of a "National Home."  His paper led to another paper written by a Austrian Jewish journalist, Theodore Herzl, in 1896 called, Der Judenstaat or "The Jew's State."  Previous to this opinion that the Jews needed their own state, many rabbi's said that a Jewish state was not possible until the Messiah has come.  I guess their messiah was the a document by the name of the Balfour Declaration and the queen of England.  

The Balfour Declaration, however, never said that Palestine would be turned into a Jewish State, in fact there weren't any borders that declared a Jewish state.  Another point is that this would be a "National Homeland" and not a STATE, under geographical terms a State is a land the is politically recognized by other governments and Nation is a tightly knit group of people who may or may not constitute a STATE/COUNTRY.  Under this declaration, Israel was only given status of National Homeland and not a Jewish State.  

When European Jews came to Palestine they did not find an empty land.  There were pocket of Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Samarians living there.  Many of these Europeans were able to find land for sale that was sold by the absentee landlords.  Under Palestinian culture, absentee landlords permitted "peasants" to occupy their land and tend to farming and animal husbandry to pay for the "rent."  I would suspect that these absentee landlords figured that the new owners would continue to honor that aspect, but these Europeans, who knew nothing about farming or the dry land of Palestine, kicked off these "peasants" and started their own kibbutz after learning how to work the land.

Then came the Jewish terrorists, Haganah and Irgun who ruthlessly murdered Palestinian women and children in Hebron and other Palestinian territories.  These 2 "para-military" groups were professionally trained with many of their members having been apart of the armed forces in their primary country of origin.  Although the Wailing Wall massacre was a hideous event nothing could compare to the decades of torture and humiliation that Palestinians face and will continue to face until the Messiah and Madhi returns to this DUNYA.

What is happening today is no surprise.  The Jews will continue to wash out blood with blood and will probably not stop until they have Gaza again under their full control.  Palestinians will continue to not be allowed water, food, electricity, and life.  Jewish Zealots will continue to build their illegal homesteads on Palestinian land and get shot at for stealing the property.

What we will not allow Israel to get away with is calling Palestinians terrorists.  We as Muslims in the west need to stand up to our government and tell them that we do not accept their support of this illegal occupation of Palestine.  We must also inform our fellow citizens what is really happening to HUMANS in Palestine, without rationalizing the use of violence, which should never be accepted unless you are being attacked and looking down the barrel of a gun.

Allah azawajul does not honor those who turn to violence to make a point politically or socially.  Even if Israel is doing something entirely against basic human rights and illegal, Allah will justly deal with them in the akhera.  

Monday, December 22, 2008

Human Love

Human love can be a messy part to life. Allah subhana wa ta'ala has decreed upon us rules to our intimacy and relations and we must do our best to follow those.
Prophet Mohammad, sallallahu wa salaam, showed us what that should look like. Even his wife Hazrat Aisha, ra, described in detail what it meant to love a husband, this leaves women with a model of how to act appropiately.
In detail the saints and wise walay left us with a distinct knowledge of the types of love and lust we feel and where they come from.

A: When love/lust/desire comes from Nafess, stomach. It is just like a gas. It smell very bad. It makes us unfordable. It takes away all good experiences. One gets in a bad mood and one must go to toilet. When one is finished with this feeling they quickly want to leave it.

B, If it comes from Aqhel, brain. It is mostly from shytan. It is very selfish feeling. It sees only itself and self interest. One must be slap on the face to weak up. Your desires may overwhelm you and you will not see the other person, but only see your desires to control that person and the relationship.

C: If it comes from Qhalb, heart, it is spiritual. All it's feelings are from Allah (swt). A sense of gratefulness, appreciation, patience and submission. It weighs everything with the purpose of our life in this world. There are no senses of self centrism there. It actually seeks the approval of that Divine Power.

No matter if you are in a marriage with someone you choose to be with or arranged by your family you must find it in your heart to reach for the love that Allah, swt, gives every moment and give that love to spouse and family. If anyone has the secret to developing that love than please sell it to the world so that we can all be better off.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Learning to truly love Allah, subhana wa ta'ala, should be the prime goal for all existence. What else you do with your life should be to satisfy his love of you.

It is a lot easier to talk about loving allah, but to truly love him as you love your parents, spouse, and children is more difficult. when I read these ecstatic penned by Maulana Jelalluddin Balkhi (Rumi) or hear the words of Rabia Adawiya, I grow so curious as to how they practiced to find the romantic and sensual love for Ar-Rahman.

As I read about the devotion of the christian nuns towards their marriage to Jesus, I can understand how they can devote themselves because they have a visual representation of their idea of God. How do we lovers of Allah, the one pure representation of the creator of the universe, find that love and devotion that produces the ecstasies that spiritual poets describe?

What amount of our lives should we give up, at least temporarily, in pursuit of this exercise of love through our hearts?
In the coming month of Muharram the 10th of Ashura gives everyone the perfect opportunity to learn to love Allah through the fasting and du'a that one can make on that day.

Never forgetting to make dhikr Allah every day

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hadiths and ayats about End Times

In the End Times of the community of the faithful, people, those who adorn the mosques but leave their own hearts in ruins, who fail to look after their religion as much as they do their clothes, who forsake their religious obligations for the sake of their activities in this world, will increase in number.

A man is unfilial towards his mother,and drives his father far off... (Tirmidhi)

There will be an abundance of illegitimate children.(Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi, Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal)

Divorces will be a daily occurrence.('Allamah Safarini, Ahwal Yaum al-Qiyamah)

There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, backbiters and taunters in society. (Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi, Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal)

The Last Hour will not arrive till people come forth who make a living with their tongues as cows eat with their tongues. (Tirmidhi)

Literacy will increase-as Judgment draws nigh. (Ahmad Diya'al-Din al-Kamushkhanawi, Ramuz al-Ahadith)

There will be no Judgment-until very tall buildings are constructed.(Reported by Abu Hurairah

The Hour will not be established-till the people compete with one another in constructing high buildings.(Bukhari)

Great distances will be traversed in short spans of time. (Ahmad, Musnad)

And horses, mules and donkeys both to ride and for adornment. And He creates other things you do not know. (Surat an-Nahl: 8)

There will be no Judgment ... until a person's own voice speaks to him. (Mukhtasar Tazkirah Qurtubi)

A voice from the sky that everyone will hear in his own language. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman)

At the time of his death, 'Isa (as) will have reappeared on this earth for forty years.(Abu Dawood)

'Isa (as), son of Maryam (as), will descend, rule for 40 years with the book of Allah and my sunnah, and die.(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman)

'isa (as), son of Maryam (as), will be a just judge and just ruler (in my community), break and crush the cross and kill the pig ... The earth will be so filled of peace as a vessel is filled with water. The entire world shall recite and follow one and the same Word and none shall be worshipped except Allah. (Ibn Majah)

The Hour will not be established until the son of Maryam (as) (i.e. 'Isa) (as) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs… (Bukhari)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Muslim Human Rights- Hijab

It is appalling and frightening that so many people are fearful of a woman who covers her head.
What has come to our world when a basic human right that had been a custom of the majority of the world until the 1950's is looked at as being an act of religious zealousness?

Xenophobia, fear of foreigners, is a dangerous state of mind that cannot be enforced by world governments in this modern age. Do these xenophobic nations, such as France, not realize that much of their old wealth comes from places in Africa and the Middle East? Was it right to use these people and their land to gain World power then? Is it right to establish laws right now that again oppresses those same people? If one thinks historically for a moment you will realize that the people who had been oppressed because of imperialism are still being oppressed by harsh laws that discriminate against them today. The European Union (UE) continues to stand with xenophobic laws that only increase hatred and fear of Muslims.

In a country such as Turkey, that has been a Muslim nation since the 13th century, could even contemplate a hijab ban displays the lack of a backbone our moderate Muslims have when standing up for their culture and tenets of faith. In a country such as Turkey that has such a foot in Europe, they have the opportunity to show Europe that Hijab does not clash with European Ideals. Instead of Hijab being looked at as a genuine HUMAN RIGHTS issue for Muslim men and women they have turned it into an act of oppression that ordinary Muslims do not agree with.

Hijab is not a backward satorical device for maintaining society, but freedom for the wearer. We all make the choice to cover ourselves and to not flaunt aspects of our bodies to the general public. So how is it that any government could enforce such a basic right? What's next banning people from wearing the cross around the necks of Christians?

Clearly wearing hijab does not stop students from participating in PE activities, as it was visible that Muslim women wearing hijab raced in the Olympics and participate in other sports at professional levels.

For all who are being oppressed by governments that force you to not practice basic rights and laws of your religion, fight them peacefully, but fight them. Remember that Islam is a personal choice that should not be forced upon any, so if you live with people who force Islam on you fight them peacefully, but fight them.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Bush shoes- Oppression of the HEART (IHSAN)

Okay, so as an American who has been very upset about the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, I felt a little laugh come on when I heard that Bush had a shoes thrown at him while giving a news conference with Iraqi reporters in Baghdad.

I do have to say that when I started to think about that action by the angry and distressed journalist, I came up with the conclusion again that we are more oppressed in our hearts than in our lives.

If you are struggling in your life because of an outside source you should go inward to your heart and find if you are oppressing your own heart with hatred, anger, miserliness, fear, arrogance, etc. It is far more damaging to your life if your heart is diseased with those emotions than if your are physically oppressed. Freedom from fear and other diseases allows one to only fear Allah, swt. To my fellow Muslims, heal your heart and you will never be able to be oppressed by any outside source.

ONLY FEAR Allah, swt. DO NOT FEAR death, DO NOT FEAR imprisonment, DO NOT FEAR life.

May Allah bless us all and may we work to purify our own hearts so that it will be a clean house for Allah, swt, the holiest of the holy, to live.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fashion Controversy

It's clear that our worlds- "Sexy" Secular and Religious Modesty- are crashing.

Many modern Muslims have decidedly come to fashion in droves. The Hijab, as a fashion tool, has even drawn our non-Muslims brothers and sisters closer towards our customs. Practically, every 15-30 year old in the world sports the Arab keffiyeh around their necks, although I don't think it's for solidarity with the Palestinian/oppressed Arab movement.
There's no reason to be bothered by kids throughout this world wearing Arab/Muslim garb. What we should be concerned about is whether we are abandoning the issue of Modesty to be fashionable.

We all know HIJAB is not an attire. We all know that Prophet did not forbid men and women from looking their best around their maharram, but he did forbid them wanton display of extravagance. In Hadeeth Sahih Muslim 2128, "There are two types of people I have not seen, (until he mentions), and women who are clothes yet naked, they will not enter paradiseor even smell its fragrance." Besides the social ramification of wearing hijab as a fashion by coupling it with tight jeans, exuberant scarf coverings, bright colored tops that show off the female chest, being overly concerned about what you look like damages your heart.

The health of your heart is far more important than the outward appearance of your face and body. Truly, if you were disease-free at heart you could go naked and still be in complete obedience and submission to Allah, swt. Unfortunately, there are few amongst us who are near to having strong health of Ihsan.

If you are not concerned about developing your Ihsan than continue to be concerned about your outward appearance whether fashionable or truly modest. If you are trying to kill your ego, you will have to let go of this idea of appearance. Remember Allah can see you heart and hear your niyat (intention).

May Allah guide us all.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Duty Parent Child Allah,swt.

Before I reverted back to Islam, I felt a very limited desire to care for my father. My mother, I always felt it was necessary to ensure her safety and security, but I had not cared so much for whether my father could get along. I had reasons, or at least I thought I had reasons to feel that way.

One day I was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with an old friend about my recent understanding of Islam and how I felt that I need to return to believing wholly in Islam. She asked me whether or not I was willing to follow all the rules. Well, at that time, I had not really cared to follow all of the rules that solidify my role in life as determined by Allah, swt.

A few months later I was faced with my dad's mortality. He became really sick and was on the verge of dying. I had not ever cared about my father's health because he had not cared about it.

Because of Islam, I look forward to caring for my father everyday when I wake up. I do this because of Allah, swt, and not just because it is my duty as a child.

We are all children of someone whether living or not. May we live to fulfill the duties that we have to Allah through our familial and community duties.

May Allah, swt, bless you with a clean heart so you can fulfill your duty with the intent to only do it for Allah.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What do you listen to? Your ego? Your heart? or Your brain?

Just to touch bases in regards to unexplainable and dubious events that peoples experience in life are coming from three distinguished parts of our existence. These experiences get to be ignited from three parts. A: heart. B: Aqhel. C: Nafs or Nafess.

As we know, Allah(s) granted us these parts for our advancement:

First part is the Kingdom, the heart, Ruhh, spirit, whom we originally are, the driver with in our car, body, a divine light, a specific glory from the reflection of the reflection of one of His Holy attributes. A thing that came from another universe, universe of Ruhh, a place below the Throne, something that does not share anything of physical or chemical attribute similarity to what this universe is made of. It was created 650 billion years ago. This is what angles are adoring and it is the angelsʼ domain. This being, the Ruhh, was offered to go outside of its universe in the day of ALASTO BE RAB BECOOM ( Al-Quran) to explore the divine beauty of His Holiness and attributes. (This is one of the purpose of this creation.)

It is the heart of lovers, one area, that people see incredible things. These experiences are colorful, restful, and physical phenomena. We can say that this is experience of Lovers of Allah(s).

(2), Second part called in Quran is Aqhel, mind or brain, within that is Wegdan, a part in which the brain can enable us to see the right and wrong, and Manteqh, logic, and the power to think.

It is some thing that Allah(s) also granted the angels. This chemical, electrical, and neurological phenomena has its own colorful, test full, and physical experiences, so people see things. Intellectual people like Socrates, Dr. Hugo, and many other who talked about their vision in complete silence. Is that the same as experience of Ruhh ? NO!

(3) Third part is called Nafess. It is made of three parts in our body, the sexual organ, digestive organ and the area of the brain that records the end results of our six senses activities.

A colorful way to describe it is: We know that the (WHITE HOUSE,) the kingdom of our heart is watching our activities. What ever we experience through our 6 senses, (THE CONGRESS,) liver releases carefully an order, a particular enzyme or drug for that activity. That enzyme travels through the courts, all law enforcement, to oxygenation in lung (THE SUPREME COURT.)

After receiving its energy, it runs through its offices, cells, and then it changes its form from order to a law, a drug or chemical to electrical wave. Once it got to the brain, library of congress, it gets recorded as a picture with color, test and physical feature for future usage. This is what we share with animals.

If we use the Heart, we are better then Angels. If we use the Aqhel, we will be full of tricks for our own desires, so we will abuse others, we are in the hand of Shaytans.

If we use the Nafess we are worse than Animals.

As Imam al-Ghazali and other lovers report to us that there are four type of Nafess:

1) Nafess of domestic animals, they only move, eat, and sleep such as cow, sheep and ect. There are people like that.

2) Nafess of wild animals, they kill, torture and destroy so they could eat, move, or sleep. There are people like that.

3) Nafess of those, they enjoy to trick, play games or to kill, to destroy, to hurt, to abuse others, and also push others directly or indirectly to do the same. This is the Nafess of Shytani. There are people like that.

4) Nafess of Rahmani, whom practices is rahma, mohabat, love under the law of shari'a. This is the nafess of Saleheen, Moa'meneen, Sadeqheen, true believers. They are the people that Allah(s), Rasul-c-, all lovers and Angels are proud of. There are people like that.

Allah(s) give us the ability to be any one of this 4 type or a mix of them but THEY wish the last one for us. Because we have been given the freedom of choice to choose our behavior and deed so we could establish our own station, Allah(s) had planned for a judgment day. May Allah(s) bless you.

Reverts and Disease

Salaam alaikum,

When I reverted to Islam, my life completely changed. My heart swam in a sea of jasmine and pearls. Suddenly, I forgave all the pain that happened to me at the hands of others. I have an ability to smile and love honestly to those who are close to me.
Because Islam, Ihsan, and Iman I have been able to reach levels of spiritual development unknown to me previously. I experience extreme ecstasy when meditating on the names of Allah. You can too.

A few months back a Hindu friend of mine called me complaining of extreme physical pain behind her ear. She had a head injury that left fluid behind the ear. She asked me if I knew anyone that could help, since the hospital and medicine was not helping. I called up my religion teacher and asked him to call her and help her out. Within 5 minutes of prayer her severe pain disappeared and her ear unblocked. She said it seemed as if cotton had been removed from her ear canal. The pain never returned. Regardless of how it happened or where it went, the fact is that because of prayers out of the Quran ash-Shareef, a Hindu woman was healed of severe pain that almost took her to the hospital. I know many more circumstances similar to that that are all based off of the abundant energy that the Quran gives.

As I mentioned, I am not here to convince anyone to believe in what I believe in, I could really care less. My only hopes are to reform Islam and educate Muslims about the spirituality and the power of the practice. Wherever we find oppression, we truly find it in ourselves. If you believe you are outwardly oppressed, look to your heart and free it from the disease of hatred, envy, fear and other negative attributes that you live in.

We must not always use our emotion in order to determine which action to take. We must follow our heart and if your heart is full of disease you must work to purify it before ever trying to act “righteously” truly you will be of the munafiqun (hypocrites).
One such story goes that the armies of the prophet were at war with the Quraish. One Muslim had his knife at the neck of a Quraishi and the Quraishi said the Shahada and became Muslim. The Muslim fighter cut off his head. When returning after battle, he told the prophet about the situation. Prophet was upset and told him that no one knows what is in the heart of another and never assume that you are doing the right thing especially in regards to taking a life, stealing, etc.

What is happening now has to do with Fatwas, which are rulings by sheikhs about how to act in this day in age. There are many sheikhs who are diseased in their hearts and thus use their egos to determine interpretations of the Quran to justify their egos. Prophet said that at the end of times 70,000 sheikhs, mullahs, ayatollahs will be killed by the Mahdi because of the negative and evil ideology they were spreading. These are the worse of the creation, they take the beautiful words of the Quran al-kareem and turn it into hatred and murder.

Here is what we need to know as westerners about Islamic revivalism. It is based off the oppression of the west on the Muslim world. Muslims just want to be left alone to follow their own laws and to practice their faith.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Gaza Strip- Murder, Oppression, Starvation

Israel has shut down all border crossing and relief efforts into Gaza. As there are 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza this is a horrific circumstance.
We could blame Israel for this new concentration camp, but we should look to why Egypt is not opening up the border to allow Palestinians to cross. It is more than heart breaking. What can any of us to help our brothers and sisters in Palestine?

Have we all gone so far astray from Islam that Allah, swt, is angry with us that He is allowing this to happen? Perhaps it is a test of our leaders in the MidEast to stand up and take responsibility for other Muslims, not because they are Palestinians or Egyptians, but because they are MUSLIMS!

May we forever ask for forgiveness from Allah for abandoning the sirata al-mustakeen.

Sacrifice Eid Al-Adha

Eid Mubarakum,

Today the 10th of Dhul Hijjah marks the midway point for the Hajj when Muslims sacrifice an animal for the love of Allah, swt. But what does this sacrifice mean? What does it represent and what is sacrifice that we do in our day to day lives?

Although during Eid al-Adha it prescribed that each able head of household sacrifice an animal, we must take into consideration that the annual animal sacrifice is only one aspect of our obligation to Allah, in my opinion. It is important that we sacrifice our sense of self (ego) to Allah and ask Allah, swt, to bless our rouhhe.

May we all continue the Major Jihad against our own opinions and ego and sacrifice what we think we know to Allah.

May our Lord accept all of the sacrifices that we make to Him.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

75% of Muslim reverts leave Islam

According to Dr. Ilyas Ba-Yunus, PHd, professor of Sociology at State University of New York, before retiring conducted a demographic study of the Muslim population in the USA found that 75% of Muslim reverts leave Islam. In his study he found that the majority of people who leave Islam are those who revert to Islam while incarcerated, the next largest group were women who reverted while being married to a born Muslim, the 3rd largest group was the children of these women and a small percentage were "drifters" or people who jump from spirituality/religion to the next.

It is all too troubling to think that Allah has called these people to Islam, but their spirit did not gain enough control over their lives to fight against the Shayateen. Allah, swt, ask us to seek knowledge to gain more insight to our spirituality and faith. What are we doing to put the pieces together to fully comprehend what Allah, swt, is telling us?


Bismellah ar-rahman ar-raheem

"Truly, Allah does not look at your outward forms and wealth, but rather at your hearts and your works" (Sahih Muslim, 4.1389: hadith 2564).

There are numerous examples of how our prophet, sws, inspired his ummah to go deeper into their hearts to find their intention and not just seek acceptance by others in the Ummah through egotistical actions.

What actions are we taking in our lives to increase our hasanahs (good deeds) and why are we doing them? Prophet, sws, elaborated about this in this story of Yamal Qayama (day of Judgement):

The first person judged on Resurrection Day will be a man martyred in battle.

He will be brought forth, Allah will reacquaint him with His blessings upon him and the man will acknowledge them, whereupon Allah will say, "What have you done with them?" to which the man will respond, "I fought to the death for You."

Allah will reply, "You lie. You fought in order to be called a hero, and it has already been said." Then he will be sentenced and dragged away on his face and flung into the fire.

Then a man will be brought forward who learned Sacred Knowledge, taught it to others, and who recited the Qur'an. Allah will remind him of His gifts to him and the man will acknowledge them, and then Allah will say, "What have you done with them?" The man will answer, "I acquired Sacred Knowledge, taught it, and recited the Qur'an, for Your sake."

Allah will say, "You lie. You learned so as to be called a scholar, and read the Qur'an so as to be called a reciter, and it has already been said." Then the man will be sentenced and dragged away on his face to be flung into the fire.

Then a man will be brought forward whom Allah generously provided for, giving him various kinds of wealth, and Allah will recall to him the benefits given, and the man will acknowledge them, to which Allah will say, "And what have you done with them?" The man will answer, "I have not left a single kind of expenditure You love to see made, except that I have spent on it for Your sake."

Allah will say, "You lie. You did it so as to be called generous, and it has already been said." Then he will be sentenced and dragged away on his face to be flung into the fire (Sahih Muslim, 3.1514: hadith 1905).

What are you doing RIGHT NOW and where are your intentions truly coming from? Introspection is the key to understanding yourself and pleasing Allah subhana wa ta'ala. I also understand this to mean that if we do not fight a jihad against our NAFS (ego) we will be doomed. If your ultimate goal is just to live how jurists, scholars, and tradition tells you to live, you may not be in active jihad against your NAFS and as the hadith goes, be doomed to the fire.

May ALLAH swt bless you and may you work on your heart.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Enlightenment and Islam

Enlightenment and Islam

People in Modern society equate enlightenment with Buddhism and other Asian philosophies, but often overlook Islam’s road to spiritual enlightenment.

Islam being a way of life that is all encompassing and that is dictated by the sublime and perfect revelation sent to the seal of prophets, Mohammad, sws, is here for us to use to attain perfect spirituality and existence in this dunya (world).

Islam, being the body of the path, is complimentary in every way. Islam gives humanity a guideline of unquestionable and rational rules that propels one in to Iman (faith) and into Ihsan (heart). Without doubt if one builds their path to enlightenment with the well paved road of Islam they will secure in meeting with Ar-Rahman.

The purpose to living is to love Allah, swt, and be in his service, whether through active revolt to the oppressive world around us or to revolt of our egos (an-nafs). Allah, swt said, “Ask those who know if you know not" (Qur'an 16:43) and "And follow the path of him who turns unto Me" (Qur'an 31:15), in regards to seeking assistance in learning how to live in Islam. It goes without saying that in dealing with your nafs (ego) one must turn to someone who can guide them to leave their egos and live with the rouhhe (spirit). Allah, the wise said, "Verily the self ever commands to do evil" (Qur'an 12:53). So do follow someone through Islam, Ihsan, and Iman, if you seek enlightenment and seek Allah, swt.

After learning what the path looks like in this dunya through Islam, it becomes easier to implement the practice of meditation and zikr into one’s life. Ihsan (heart) is where the sincerity of love and worship truly stems from. With practice of ego (an-nafs) reduction through the practice of the heart, the love of Allah, swt, starts to live through you and the world around you. At this point one will be able to taste the sweetness of water, hear the sounds of the creator vibrating through your physical heart, heal oneself and others through dua (supplications) to Allah, and other incredible aspect of self (rouhhe) actualization. This level of devotion, faith, and Islam can happen over night, in an instant or could take years it all depends on ones sincerity. This is the place where the lovers exist. The physical world no longer matters in this stage of spiritual development. One even when physically not making salat and zikr, is living salat and zikr.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Salafi or Die

Modern Islam.

In the past 30 or so years, Islam has been rapidly transformed from a spirituality of tolerance to one that is rapidly dissolving into chaos. The modern Deoband/Salafi/Wahabi/Ikhwan al-Muslameen movement did not start without a cause.

Moh’d abd Al-Wahhab was born in the 18th century in Eastern Saudi Arabia (Najd) in what was then the Ottoman Empire. He thought himself to be a reformer of Islam, one who was making a movement to head Islamic life back to the time of the Prophet Mohammad, pbuh. He believed that the Ottoman Islamic Empire was corrupt partially because of Tasawwuf/Sufi tariqats and because of the lack of Islamic jurisprudence. Abd al-Wahhab was no scholar though, as most writers and Islamic scholars at that time considered him to be of ill intelligence and unable to clearly formulate connections of Islamic jurisprudence.

Wahhab was a follower of the Hanbali Madhab, which was the strictest of all interpreters of the Qu’ran and Hadiths. Wahhab took his interpretations of Islamic fiqh (jurisprudence) a many steps further. One major difference is that Wahhab/Salafi do not agree that graves of the Prophet or Saints of Islam should be visited or that one should call on an intercessor to pray for them. In Islam these two topics are a very big deal.
By making it harram to ask another to pray for you, would make Sufism completely harram. It would also make the rituals of the Shia’a harram. It would essentially make the past 1400 years of Islamic life harram by his interpretation.

During the life of Wahhab, the Ottoman Empire was quite powerful and was gaining more territory in Europe. The British were not pleased by this so once Wahhab was found they had found the hammer that could weaken the empire. Before the time of Wahhab, war between Muslims was unheard of, but during his time he was able to spread much dissent amongst Muslims in the Ottoman Empire that the Sultans would have to quell war in the empire and not continue to gather strength in Europe.

This history from that time till now would prove to be the starting ground of much of the trouble we see today. From Nationalism, thanks France, to the strict interpretations of the Qu’ran, Islam would never be the same, the heydays were over.

Fast forward to the 20th Century. The British, French, and Russians (to some degree) have their hands all over the Islamic world and divided the land up into certain areas with their own names. Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey. Islamic power would never again be consolidated. Divisions between them began. Nationalism was fervent during the 20th century. Instead of people all calling themselves Muslims, they were now calling themselves Egyptians, Yemenis, Qatari, Iraqi, etc. Now it would be easier for a puppet master to come in and cause more divisions and fighting amongst the people.

In the 1950’s Sayyid Qutb, a secular Egyptian journalist, spent time in Ohio where he began to witness such immoral behavior. He saw men and women dancing and possibly fornicating before marriage, he saw racist segregation. Those two aspects alone would shake him and shake many a Muslim when they visited America. Ironically, up the road from where Qutb was living in the US, another scholar was forming his own distinct opinion based off of what he was witnessing in the US, the NeoCon movement, as inspired by Leo Strauss was taking shape. The Islamic brotherhood movement by Qutb which became the founding teaching of Osama Bin Laden was born from the same thoughts as Leo Strauss, a NeoCon. Neocon George Bush is basically at war with his brother in so many ways.

Modern globalization has only exacerbated the discontent Muslims have been feeling for the past century. Modern Muslims are being pitted against one another by outside forces. Globalization has made the oil producing nations beyond wealthy and caused the poor nations to spin into such turmoil that it would be hard to see the silver lining. Islam in itself expressively states that all wealth that comes from nature should be used for the good of all and not for the few who control it. What has happened in the 20th century is a slap in the face of the Prophet, sws, and Allah. The main perpetrators are the Saudi Royal Family who are wahhabis/Salafis. The prophet, when alive, spoke this about the people from Najd, the ancestral home of the Saudi family.

2 seperate Hadiths. (I have plenty more)

2. "What I most fear in my community is a man who interprets verses of the Qur'an out of context." (reference to Moh’d abd-al-Wahhab)

5. "There will be in my Community a dissent and a faction, a people with excellent words and vile deeds. They will read Qur'an, but their faith does not go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its original course. They are the worst of human beings and the worst of all creation. The one who kills them or is killed by them is blessed. They summon to the book of Allah but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever kills them is closer to Allah than they. Their sign is that they shave (their heads)." (The Wahhabi tribe generally shave the head, whilst some amongst them still wear the hair long, which is the ancient Badawi practice.)

Muta’a: Haraam or Halal?

Muta’a is it really a marriage or is it “religiously” sanctioned prostitution? I will discuss what is Muta’a in regards to the two main religious sects in Islam, the illegality of such an act in accordance to Islamic Law (Shariah) and Arab history and how it may or may not benefit relationships in modern society.

Muta’a, meaning ecstasy in Arabic, or temporary marriage as it is referred to in modern world society is a legal and religious contract between two consenting adults so that they may perform sexual activities together for a specific amount of money under Shiite scholarly law. Muta’a is technically only allowed between a Muslim man and any woman from the “People of the Book” (Jews, Christians and Muslims) and not between a Muslim woman and any other but a Muslim.

This religious contract is based on two specific points being that the contract states a distinct time for the marriage and a dowry to be paid upon the rendering of the marriage. This contract can be made for as short a time as a few hours to as long as 99+ years. It is defined by the fact that the husband and wife will upon the ending of the timed contract decide thereafter if they both wish to continue the relationship or not. The man, at the finalization of the contract, must pay the dowry in full to the temporary wife regardless of an extension of the relationship. The woman is required to be of sexual service to the man until the last minute of the Muta’a. The woman should not be considered a fornicator by trade, but should be of standard piety under Shi’a traditions. It is that a man should not seek to learn whether or not this woman has performed sexual acts with any other man. The man, however, may be married and not have to tell his wife of this temporary marriage. Since there is no divorce in Muta’a, the woman has no right to leave even if she is suffering from abuse or if she meets a man who she wants to have a permanent marriage with.

The Shi’a law in Iran and Iraq has strict laws against adultery and pre-marital sex; it promotes Muta’a marriage as a means for sexuality to be explored between two adults. All four Sunni Madhhabs (schools of thought) completely agree that this contract between man and woman is completely immoral and considered “haraam” or forbidden to all Muslims due to lack of proof through Hadith (words spoken by the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)) or through the Qur’an al-Karim. This subject has created a great divide amongst the Muslims especially these days as Muslims throughout the world are seeing degradation to family values all around them. The last thing Sunni and some Shi’a Muslims want to support is this form of legal prostitution in Islamic society.

Where does this concept of Muta’a derive from? The pre-Islamic Arab tribes routinely practiced perverted sexual relations between many wives, slaves and prostitutes. The prophet Mohammad, pbuh, allowed Muta’a on only 1 occasion and for only 1 group of people, who were those Muslim men who had been fighting for the spread of Islamic land, however the Prophet, pbuh, said, "The Muta’a marriage has been cancelled (made unlawful)." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah), Volume 7, Book 62, Number 52). The Prophet pbuh clearly made this once used form of prostitution revocable and haraam.

After the death of the Prophet pbuh passed to the other side in 632 CE 4 men called the rightly guided Sahabis and companions of the Prophet pbuh had to lead the Islamic world at that time. The second caliph, Hazrat Umar, ra, strictly made the practice of Muta’a harram, illegal and fully forbidden. H. Umar, ra, and the other Sahabis all agreed that the Prophet pbuh agreed that this was right and sound. Only those who do not understand the piety and respect that Muslims hold dearly would accuse the Shariah law with such a profoundly “un-Islamic” law such as Muta’a. There are verses upon verses in the Qur’an al-Karim that spell out what a marriage is, none of which say it is time based or temporary. “…and live with them honorably…” (Qur'an an-Nissa 4:19) That statement makes it very clear that you shall marry and live with your wife, as she is your wife. Seeing that people who take up muta’a do not live with one another it would clearly negate a marriage where there is no sincerity to the woman as a wife but to her only as a being of pleasure.

Why is it, we may ask, the sanctity of marriage be so defined and made secure within this religion? Why do we need to concern ourselves with the right and wrong of others? Why do we need to question the practice of a group of people who call themselves Muslims?

In Islam, as in the other major religions including Hinduism and Buddhism, there were very well defined rules as to the roles of each gender including each other’s role in a marriage. In Islam the marriage between two people is not a personal and sexual endeavor, it is one that unites families and during the time of the Prophet, pbuh, it unified whole clans of people and also unites two spirits in this dunya. During and before the 22 years of revelation woman were given absolutely no rights under tribal customs and given very limited rights to Judaic and Christian women. When the Qur'an al-Sharif was revealed it spelled out very clearly the worth of the woman to society and family. Women were and still are considered very holy spiritual beings, more so than men. Mothers are the spiritual center of the family. She is the one who teaches the children about Islam. She is the one who shows the children how to behave and instructs them on appropriateness of personality. The woman is the strength to the household and more often than not is the person who upholds the faith of religion. So if women were defined in this role, why would a man marry them just for sex? Why would a woman marry a man just for sex and money? A pious Muslima would not marry a man just for sex. Islamic women know the importance of virginity in marriage and few women are willing to risk their future marriage for a night of sex with a man for money.

The health of a society is found in the health of its families. As it goes, if we have a society full of single people who don’t value personal commitment then it’s possible for that society to not have people who value the commitment to work or to religion. If there is a society that allows physical and sexual abuse to go unnoticed or even promoted, imagine how the large of that society would be! The same goes for a society engaging in pre-marital sex, adultery and muta’a. If the sanctity of marriage and a lifelong commitment is not prevalent than people of that society will not likely commit themselves to the necessities of life without giving up. The common proverb “one bad apple spoils the whole barrel” explains my reasoning.

Although muta’a is clearly an act of grave consequence in Islam, a religion of very high moral standards, could it possibly be a more respectable solution to our promiscuous society? It would set specific rules for people so that they can fulfill lustful desires. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that famous couple A or famous couple B will be together for X amount of time and if they do have a baby from the situation, we as a society will know that the baby will not be abandoned by the father? Wouldn’t it be healthier for us as a society in the US if we had a contract with our boyfriend/girlfriend even if it’s just for peace of mind? Ok, boyfriend A before we sleep together because we are hot for one another let’s just spell this out. How long do you want to be committed to me for? And how much are you willing to give me at the end for me providing you with my love, passion and communication? In our unholy society this sort of contract could be beneficial, but if you are a spiritual person you know that it would be wrong to engage in lustful impassioned acts that take you away from your souls work.
Marriages based wholly on sexual and evil egoistic desires do not belong in Islam. Islam is a faith of controlling your nafs, ego, and overcoming temptations. Engaging in an act such as Muta’a is clearly prostitution as defined by Mariam-Webster Dictionary does not belong in Islamic society. Being that it was strictly prohibited during the time of the Prophet Mohammad pbuh and reiterated by the caliph Umar, it should not be allowed in Islamic culture. While temporary marriage is a horrid contract in Islam it would be a step up in our modern society. But. But… Would you want your daughter to be paid as a sexual object for a specified amount of time???

Upgrading or Reverting- I'm Muslim

I would like to share with you all how I came to know those words and why they are so important to me. In 2000 I was living in Sana’a, Yemen, which is where I said the Shahada. What I witnessed amongst the Yemenis is a truly beautiful culture and way of living that is dictated by Islam. People follow the Sharia and Sunnah because they know that it helps to develop spiritual relations with the One God. I witnessed how this beautiful society was so able to promote spirituality and not just rigid religion. The women that I was associated with carried with them a peace that is hard to find amongst my friends here. In fact, I admit that I never knew what true friendship was until I met a sweetheart of Allah, Maha Al-Qerbi. There is special care that is felt amongst spiritual people of which is extra powerful amongst the true lovers of the One God.

Although, when I returned to the States in 2001, I had a hard time cultivating Islam. I found it easier to go back to my old life. I hadn’t follow develop the discipline to be a Muslim. In the beginning of 2007, my heart started to be pulled back to Islam. After years of not praying, not thinking about G-d, not caring about anything in life, but my own, something just changed. I suddenly felt empty. No longer did I care about all the things that kept me locked into this culture. Not my bike, not my knowledge of beer, nor my ability to attract good-looking people towards me, was satisfying in any way to me. One night in that winter of 2007, I attended a zikr-Allah. I put on my abaya and hijab and suddenly remembered Allah. I wept when I heard other people saying the name of G-d. With their hearts and not with their ego, people declared their love to the Beloved.

That summer, I crossed the Asian world. I visited tombs of saints in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. I prayed at the great Ottoman Masjids and saw the faces of my brothers and sisters looking for Allah. When I arrived back in the States from that fascinating travel, I looked deeper into my heart to see if I was truly ready to submit to Islam. The world around me had not changed, but I had. I knew that I would be able to listen to my heart and truly give myself to G-d.

What does it mean to give oneself to Allah? It means that one must follow the life of the Prophet Moh’d, sws. How does one do that? For me it meant, to stop listening to my ego and start listening to my heart and spirit. I started praying all of my prayers and even more. I found out much about the saints, the women, and the lovers of Allah. Their stories and poetry vibrated through me.

One such saint is Rabia Adawiya, a woman from Basra, Iraq. She was kidnapped and forced into prostitution at a young age. Through the hardship of her life, she kept her heart turned to Allah and came to know Allah as her Beloved.
In one stanza in one of her classic poems she writes: “O Allah, If I adore you out of fear of Hell, burn me in Hell. If I adore you out of desire for Paradise, Lock me out of Paradise. But if I adore You for yourself alone. Do not deny to me your eternal beauty.”
I had previously been under the impression that Allah was separate from humanity, her words gave me new insight. Being in Love with Allah is a hard emotion to take on. How does one fall in love with G-d? I looked towards different Sufi tariqats to understand how the saints invoked such emotion. I found it easily in them. For hours I sat and listened to highly spiritual beings explaining what Islam really is. What Allah is and What his Attributes are and Why it’s important to cultivate those Names into ones life.
There are thousands of stories, fables, and parables written by Muslims since the time of the Prophet that put so vividly the world of Islam. Another beautiful stories goes as followed.

There was once two young children who played with one another. As they grew up the boy fell in love with this girl. He would never be allowed to marry her. He became a majnoon, wandering from forest to forest, living in caves because of the pain of seeing his beloved with another. One time he without thought passed in front of a man praying, almost knocking him over. The man yelled at him. Majnoon points out to him, that one must not be in love with Allah if he is so distracted by such a fly, as he was so in love with his Layla that he never noticed this man praying.
This story illustrates the perfection of Ishq that one must shoot for in this life. We must not pray just because we feel obligated, one must pray and live ones life in sincerity to develop enlightenment and ISHQ for Allah.

I don’t know if I will ever be able to express all the beautiful aspects of Islam and what it means to me to be a Muslim. It is such a blessing to know that I have an extremely supportive community who accept you regardless of your color, background, or social standing. Purity comes rapidly to the heart for the lovers of Allah and a special clarity comes to the mind. After a few months of seeking to know Allah, I was able to confidently give up many aspects of my ego in return of my spirit.

Today, as I sleep I find myself remembering Allah, through prayers. When I dream, I hear words of my Beloved. When I walk through the day, caring for my father, I see the duty that Allah has sent me to fulfill. In fact, because of the practice of Islam, I have gained special attributes myself. When needed, I can see through the eyes of others and feel their hearts beat as my own. I am more in check of my feelings and more able to feel comfort with one breath. In-Allah. Out-HU

Abrahamic Faiths- Mind Heart Body

Please be aware that there is no base difference between the 3 major religions. They are all based on the acknowledgement, submission, and love of 1 god. All these religions have 2 aspects, which are spiritual and worldly. Before I discuss the difference or the rise of one religion we must look at the unity of these 3 religions. All 3 of these religions believe in a supreme master who is the creator of this vast universe. Who is unique in it's perfect being from which nothing resembles. God is aware of everything- of the rise of Islam.

Islam is exactly the same as the teaching of the founding father of all 3 religions- Abraham. Islam is Judaism. Islam is Christianity. Christianity is submission to Allah, to one God. Judaism is submission to one God, Allah. All 3 of these religions love their 1 God. LOVE-ISHQ. Ishq is pure love and belief in 1 God that gives all abundance to us in this World. We all believe that there is a negative energy (Shayateen, Satan etc) that tries to pull us away from the Ishq of Allah.
All 3 believe in Judgment Day where we will have to take full responsibility for how we lived our lives here in this World. This is the heavenly, spiritual relation that ALL of the Abrahamic religions concede as being completely shared.
It is the material/physical aspect that separates the 3 Abrahamic religions. All of these practices were built at different times for different circumstances for differing groups of people. These religions have to be different, obviously. The Judaic people pray differently than the Christians than the Muslims. They all observe different holidays/day. These are nuances that are not important when you have pure love and submission to the One creator, God, Allah, Yahweh. These differences that people try to use to divide the believers of Allah of God of Yahweh are evil and not lovers of Allah, of God of Yahweh. To bring up a topic such as the "RISE OF ISLAM" is complete nonsense. If you believe in submitting to 1 supreme God, you believe in Islam (the submission to Allah subhana wa ta'ala). We are all born Muslims; it is a matter of living that takes us away from the Ishq of Allah. These differences that we scream and fight about have nothing to do with the true believers of the love of God.
Please allow me to explain what the word Islam means. It does not refer to a group of people that follow certain rituals, have a certain language or dress a certain way. Islam refers to a unique stage of mind, heart and body.

1. Mind is to believe that there is a creator of this vast universe with this highly scientific structure. That the creator is so supreme and perfect that he has everything in its control. We, as human beings, have intellectual entity to acknowledge him, to appreciate him, and to submit to HIM-God. We believe that we are created for a purpose to be here, to use our intellect to choose what is right and wrong.

2. The heart. We believe in our hearts that we have no ability to make anything happen without the WILL of a supreme being. We cannot make the ocean tides rise. We cannot make the night come faster or the day longer. We cannot make new stars form. We cannot even make seeds sprout unless Allah swt wills it.

3. All 3 religions believe in the advancement of our physical body over all other of Gods creatures. We have the ability to acknowledge because of our 6 senses to identify and appreciate the Supreme power of the Universes. We all believe that there is a unique negative force that will always try to misdirect us. Unfortunately because of language we have different words that have created different ideas about the same energy that is prevalent in all of the major religions.

As a consequence the relationship of these 3 Abrahamic faiths have a unique value. As a person, if we follow that value precisely that person will attain peace, tranquility, and love, enlightenment. In Arabic the word that describes those values is the word "Salam" which has the letters s-l-m. Islam is made of those same letter s-l-m. In Hebrew they say "shalom" and in Aramaic they would use the word "khalom" to describe that comfort in peace and love.
None of us are Muslims unless we practice that pure peace, love and enlightenment and tranquility. We are all hypocrites whether you are a Jew, Christian or "Muslim" if you are not practicing the love through the heart of God you are not practicing your religion.

It is advisable that we use a manual to understand our car. It is with our lives that we were given a manual to live by. Why would we use a manual for 1980 Audi when we have a 2006 Ford? Allah, swt, Yahweh sent down through the Angel Gabriel a new manual as described would happen in the old testament and new testament to the beautiful sweet prophet Moh'd, saas, so that we could live our lives in a way that opened us up to our spirituality clearly. If we live by the laws of the Sharia and the Sunnah we open our spirits to the opportunity to be one with God at all times in our Mind, heart and body. That is Islam, that is Judaism, that is Christianity. That is the Love of Allah, swt.